ITJARENG VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTREThe "Itjareng Vocational Training Centre" is situated at Masianokeng Village, about 15 km east of Maseru and approximately 5-10 km from the InternationalAirport. The facility was established in 1986 by the Lesotho National Association of the Physically Disabled (LNAPD).
The centre provides residential vocational training for a period of between 18-24 months for a maximum of 32 trainees in the following areas: Leatherwork, Carpentry, Sewing, Metalwork and Agriculture (piggery, chicken breeding, vegetable gardens). Itjareng accepts students above school going age with no minimum educational level. Basic training is also provided in book-keeping, literacy and numeracy. It does not cater exclusively for people with physical disability but for learning disabled and hearing impaired as well. Itjareng is a non-profit making organisation which charges a nominal school fee of M50 per month (USD 6). Students live on site at the facility and products made by students are available for sale by special order. Contact: Mr. Molise Foso (Director) e: [email protected] general email: [email protected] Blog: |